
Solar Mining Cluster Technology
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The most efficient energy usage for mining.

The purpose of this technical document is to provide potential token holders with
information about Helios Mining Ltd, its technology, business model and HLC token in
connection with the proposed initial coin offering (ICO). The following information is
not exhaustive and does not imply any contractual relationship. The sole purpose of this
document is to provide relevant and sufficient information to potential token holders so
that they can thoroughly analyze the company’s activities when they intend to purchase
HLC tokens. All relevant legal information is contained in the terms and conditions for
the purchase of tokens and the token acquisition Agreement.

This white paper does not constitute an offer to sell or buy securities in any jurisdiction
where it is unlawful to make such offer. Neither the Department of supervision of the
operations of the financial market of Cyprus, neither the Commission on securities and
stock exchanges of the USA or any other foreign regulatory authority has approved
investment in these tokens.

The HLC token can be classified as a security category, since it gives the holders of
tokens the right to profit from mining operations. Thus, operations with this token are
subject to certain restrictions in accordance with the securities laws in Switzerland and
the United States. The primary location of the HeliosCoin ICO tokens complies with the
requirements of these rules and restricts access by allowing only citizens, green card
holders and US residents belonging to the category of “accredited investors” to
participate, in accordance with Rule 506 (4) specified in Regulation D of the Securities
Act. All relevant legal information is contained in the “Conditions for the acquisition of
tokens” and “Agreement on the tokens acquisition”.
Some of the regulations, estimates and financial data contained in this document are
forward-looking statements or information. Such forward-looking statements or

information relate to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual
events or results to differ materially from estimates or results implied or expressed in
such forward-looking statements.
This technical paper in English is the main official source of information on the HLC
token. The information contained in this document, may from time to time be translated
into other languages or used in written or verbal communications with existing and
potential community members, partners, etc. When translating or similar
communications certain information contained in this document may be lost or distorted.
The accuracy of such alternative communications is not guaranteed. If you encounter
any conflicts or inconsistencies between such transfers and communications and present
official English language text shall prevail the provisions of the original document in

At the stage of formation, crypto-mining was a well-distributed network of several
thousand private miners, whose work was regulated by transparent rules. Their activities
were not detrimental to the climate, as their power requirements were low. Now
everything has changed — the exponential growth of cryptocurrencies has led to a sharp
increase in energy consumption and mining concentration in countries with low social
and environmental standards, where electricity is produced mainly using fossil fuels. But
even worse is the fact that the concentration of mining resources in several major
corporations distorts the former democratic decision-making process in these networks
— changes in protocols and hard-fork risk to be influenced by the economic interests of
a few players.

Helios Mining Ltd. developed a system of autonomous clusters for mining (Solar
Mining Clusters) that can consume electricity directly on renewable energy sources. Our
clusters are created on the basis of Off-Grid (Autonomous) solar generators, immersion
cooling units, equipped with mining equipment, communications and automation
functions inherent to the fourth industrial revolution. They are completely selfcontained,
support remote control and have a revolutionary cooling system that
consumes approximately 2% of the total power consumption of the system. In addition,
this high-tech solution is fully integrated into existing global logistics systems and
guarantees our investors a unique trading offer in the cryptographic world-access to free
electricity wherever they are (* within the solar belt).
• Autonomy means that our modules operate on electricity, which they themselves
Fewer risks than traditional mining operations — our Clusters are capable of mining a
wide range of cryptocurrencies with different algorithms.

The flexibility of the system helps us to unite the two most important sectors of the
21st century-blockchain technology and renewable energy sources. By
leveraging the exponential growth of both sectors, we contribute to the
preservation of the climate and the well-being of our token holders. This is the
physical embodiment of the spirit of blockchain — a reliable and decentralized
system that can withstand the destructive effects of government policies, price
structures and energy supply.

The Helios Solution Mining Ltd. it has all the necessary competitive advantages,
follows a decentralized approach and grants rights to activities that were not possible
under the pressure of the concentration of mining capacity.

The HLC token is an Ethereum token based on the ERC-20 standard. HLC tokens grant
their holders the right to:
getting 100% revenue from our own mining operations in two stages:
• 75% are paid immediately
• 25% invested to increase future payments
receiving 35% of HeliosCoin’s revenue from mining operations of third parties
voting and veto power in making important decisions regarding the company’s strategy
Tokens are offered for 92 days: from July 1st 2018 to October 1st 2018.
Company Helios Mining Ltd. starts HeliosCoin ICO – its the world’s first Autonomous
Mining solution focused on alternative energy sources. The proposal will be open to the
world community. Restrictions apply to residents of Germany, as well as to investors
from the United States.

Total amount of tokens: 5 million tokens (Unallocated tokens will not be created)
Token price at the release: 0.001 ETH
Token Distribution:
Bounty program – 3% of distributed tokens
Team of founders -10% to the team of founders
Reserve – 5% reserve buyback fund
Contributors – 82% of the issued token
Official website: http://www.helioss.io
PRE-ICO Start date: May 1st 2018
PRE-ICO Expiry date: June 1st 2018
ICO Start date: July 1st 2018
ICO Expiry date: October 1st 2018

Private sale: April 18th 2018 to April 30th 2018 the bonus 20%
PRE-ICO: May 1st 2018 to June 1st the bonus will be 20%
ICO: July 1st 2018 to July 8th 2018 the bonus 20%
July 9th 2018 to July 16th 2018 the bonus 15%
July 17th 2018 to October 1st 2018, the bonus 10%
The end date of token distribution is October 1st 2018., 12:00 GMT
91% — investments in Autonomous clusters of Solar Mining Clusters
9% — for research, development and administration

We are convinced that the entire world community deserves a share of crypto-mining
profits, not just a few anonymous players from oligopolistic cartels in authoritarian
societies. We believe that crypto-mining should be carried out through decentralized,
democratic and evenly distributed operations open to all who are willing to support and
benefit from this network.
Based on these principles, we created the HLC token. It grants investors the right to
receive full payments as a result of our own mining operations. As a result, the tokens m
can be treated in most jurisdictions as securities. In accordance with the EU and US
securities laws, the following three categories of investors may become token holders.
• Investors inside and outside Cyprus if they:
• do not have a US passport
• do not have a USA Green Card;
• they are not U.S. residents.
• Accredited investor, pursuant to Rule 506 of Regulation D of the U.S. Securities
Act. These are investors with their own capital in excess of $ 1 million, excluding
their primary residence or with a net income of more than $ 200,000 (if married –
with a combined income of $ 300,000).

• Investors who are residents of Germany, limited investment opportunities are
available-just over 200,000 euros.
The guidelines of the securities and exchange Commission (SEC) On regulation
506(c) of Regulation D require the Issuer to take “reasonable steps” to ensure that
investors meet the above criterion. When conducting an ICO, we are obliged to
verify compliance with SEC requirements — each investor must submit a scanned
proof that he is an accredited certified lawyer or a certified securities accountant.
If such confirmation is not provided, the previously transferred funds will be
transferred to the wallet or Bank account of the investor from whom the payment
was made.

These restrictions on token holders run counter to our intention to give everyone equal
opportunity to participate in our crypto-mining operations and to provide a competitive
advantage to the Autonomous mining cluster system. However, we must comply with

the laws and regulations governing securities transactions. In order to bring our concept
of equity into line with these rules, we are working to convert the token into a publicly
traded asset. Immediately after the ICO Helios Mining Ltd will start preparing the
prospectus, will be registered in SEC and will apply for listing of tokens as securities on
regulated exchanges. After that, the HLC token will finally be available to everyone,
provided that the SEC gives the green light.

HLC tokens are based on the ERC-20 Protocol, which determines that 5 million tokens
with a nominal price of ETH 0.001 will be issued. The final distribution is set as follows:
• 82% to the investors
• 10% to the founders
• 5% to the Helios Mining Ltd, as a reserve fo buyback
• 3% Bounty program
Tokens that are not distributed to investors, founders or companies will not be created. In
other words, the maximum amount of tokens will never exceed 5 million, while
investors are entitled to 82% or a maximum of 4,100,000 tokens, founders — 10% or a
maximum of 500,000 tokens and Helios Mining Ltd — 5% or a maximum of 250,000
tokens (as a reserve Fund).
Tokens give the right to vote. From time to time when Helios Mining Ltd will make
strategic decisions regarding mining operations, the company will be able to put those
decisions to a vote. Token holders with veto power over the company’s proposals will
take part in the voting. The voting process will be established based on the HLC token
smart contract.

Tokens give the right to receive dividends from mining operations. Dividends are
calculated only on the basis of net profit from mining operations. They are not based on
the statement of profit and loss (P&L) of the company Helios Mining Ltd, which can
introduce risks that are not associated with mining.



Author: vespa panjang
MyEthAddress: 0x73d704F72440F0dDA507ADb95C22c2901bDB134B

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